K-12 Fine Arts Department


Ashley Peerce

K-12 Art Teacher


Lynn Sindland

Lynn Sindland

K-12 Music Teacher


Slider is playing
Band Shirts

Lead Hill Music Department would like to extend their thanks to Stitch in Time for donating shirts to the Jazz Band, Concert Band, and Choir. THANK YOU!!

Band Shirts

Photographed are Anne Marie Fournier and Margaret Smith and Senior, Nathan Smith, who designed the logo.

K-12 Library Department

Amy Curtis

Amy Curtis

K-12 Library Media Specialist


Life360 Book Delivery

Ms. Curtis and students are tickled pink to accept the donation of new books to the Lead Hill School Library from Life 360. Read on!!

Book Donations

Book Donations

Ms. Curtis and LHSD thanks the Boone County Farm Bureau for their WONDERFUL donation of books to the library.